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Commercial Cardboard Recycling in Edinburgh

Cardboard is one of the easiest materials to recycle, and businesses produce a lot of it. Don’t send your cardboard to landfill, let us collect and recycle your cardboard for you instead. We offer a commercial cardboard recycling service to businesses in Edinburgh.

Cardboard Recycling: Features

Commercial Cardboard Collection Service

As a professional waste management company, we carry out regular cardboard collection and recycling for local businesses. We have a friendly team and we work fast to minimise disruption to your business, while always providing excellent customer service.

We work with high street shops, businesses and factories in Edinburgh, collecting their cardboard daily, weekly or fortnightly. We won’t just dispose of it – we recycle it! We process it and prepare it so it can be sent to paper mills so it can be reused, helping you to reduce your environmental footprint.

Garbage Truck
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Recycled Cardboard service

Reduce Your Eco-Footprint

Cardboard Recycling: Image

Cardboard can and should be recycled as much as possible. We will do it quickly, efficiently and without disruption to your business. Try to recycle as much cardboard as possible. It is safe, very easy and helps your business to do its bit for the environment.

Make sure the waste is clean and dry, and remove contaminated items like tape if possible. Don’t mix it with paper, and always keep it separate.

Cardboard can easily be packed down and sent to be recycled, leading to numerous benefits for the environment – and for your reputation. In addition, you can cut costs by reducing your landfill tax.

Whatever size your business is, and however much cardboard waste you produce, we can offer a cardboard recycling service that is tailored to your specific needs.

If you only produce a small amount of cardboard, we can arrange a collection once a week. If you consistently have large amounts of cardboard waste to dispose of, we can make daily, cost-effective collections.

Get a Quote Today

Contact us today to get a quote for your cardboard recycling. We will be happy to assist you with all of your paper and cardboard collection and recycling needs, so get in touch to find out more.

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