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House and Office Clearances

Safe, Professional and Affordable Clearances

Do you have a house, office or other space that needs clearing? Then contact Dunedin Recycling Group today.

We are the local specialists in all kinds of clearances in Edinburgh, including homes, offices, garages and attics. If you need any space cleared, we’ll do it for you quickly and safely while minimising disruption.

Call today for a no-obligation quote.

Separating Waste
House and Office Clearances: Service

Types of Spaces We Clear

We are house and office clearance specialists, and we have years of experience clearing a wide range of spaces.

You may need your house cleared after a large renovation project, or perhaps you want to make your home more presentable before selling. If you are a landlord, you may need to clear it up after the tenants move out. Whatever your situation, we can clear your space for you quickly and affordably.

We can clear individual rooms in your home or the entire property as well as garages and attics. We also clear offices and any other spaces that require clearing for any reason. We make the whole process stress-free and straightforward, minimising disruption for you.

We can remove almost anything from your home, including beds, wardrobes, sofas, white goods and garden furniture. Clearing an office? We can remove old computers, furniture, desks, chairs, shelving and more.

Garbage Truck
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We Recycle and Reuse Everything We Can

We don’t just take everything to the nearest landfill site. Instead, we take it to licensed facilities where we ensure it is disposed of properly. If you have anything that can be reused, like old furniture, we will deliver it to local charities and donate whatever we can. We also recycle as much as possible and only take to landfill what cannot be reused or recycled.

Recycling Bottles
White office organization

House Clearances

Office Clearances

House and Office Clearances: Services

Safe, Professional and Affordable Clearances

We work fast and professionally while always taking safety and security seriously. We have extensive experience clearing out all kinds of spaces, and there’s nothing we have not seen before.

We will quickly remove everything from any space you need clearing, and we will even tidy up afterwards to leave the space ready to use.

Just call our team to tell us about your project and we’ll give you a quote. We can even visit your property to get a more detailed understanding of the amount of work required.

Garbage Truck
House and Office Clearances: Text

Get a quote today

Whether you are a homeowner, landlord or business owner, if you need a space in Edinburgh cleared for any reason, get in touch today for your quote.

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